Hydroponics & ventilation

Evapco LMP’s enviable green reputation stems not only from its energy efficiency and respect for the environment, but also from the use of its refrigeration systems for ventilation and hydroponic production.

Proper ventilation for your indoor greenhouses is key. Our carbon dioxide thermal technologies easily fulfills this requirement. Our ventilation systems are the most eco-friendly on the market and are customized to meet your industry needs.

Evapco LMP helps producers to make their investment profitable, as it’s a common fact that refrigeration can account for nearly 20% of the total energy bill for hydroponic producers.

Our ventilation systems require minimal maintenance and are a great solution to simplify your operations. It’s no surprise that so many producers have already adopted this system!

Gain an invaluable competitive advantage by partnering with Evapco LMP!

Ideal products for all your
hydroponic / ventilation needs

Our Syntex and Purity lines give you complete temperature control to ensure optimal growing conditions for your hydroponic greenhouses.


A multiple compressor unit suitable for all temperature ranges and quantities. Perfect for small or large installations.


Compatible with all other Evapco LMP commercial modules, this Glycol pumping station extends the life of your compressors and components and greatly improves the condensation process. In addition, the Yellowstone module allows for accurate management of the flow of liquid required during refrigeration.

Our hydroponics / ventilation customers

Here are some interesting sectors where partnering with Evapco LMP can be of great assistance:

  • Tomato greenhouses
  • Other greenhouses of all kinds

Have a question? Write us!

Do not hesitate to contact us, a member of our team will be happy to respond quickly to your requests.

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